Bedoelde u: Bestand:bsicon krz r.svg
De pagina "Bestand:BSicon KRZ r.svg" aanmaken op Wikipedia.
- This image is a derivative work of the following images: BSicon uvSTR+r-KRZ.svg licensed with Cc-by-sa-3.0,2.5,2.0,1.0, Cc-by-sa-3.0,2.5,2.0,1.0/nl, GFDL…(500 × 500 (409 bytes)) - 22 okt 2023 03:19
- This image is a derivative work of the following images: BSicon vSTR+r-xKRZ.svg licensed with Cc-by-sa-3.0,2.5,2.0,1.0, Cc-by-sa-3.0,2.5,2.0,1.0, GFDL…(500 × 500 (408 bytes)) - 17 feb 2024 16:34
- This image is a derivative work of the following images: BSicon ekKRZ+r.svg licensed with Cc-by-sa-3.0,2.5,2.0,1.0, GFDL 2009-11-27T09:49:03Z Vunz 500x500…(500 × 500 (415 bytes)) - 22 okt 2023 02:46
- This image is a derivative work of the following images: BSicon uKRZ+r.svg licensed with PD-self 2008-10-04T11:12:35Z Tompw 500x500 (1373 Bytes) {{Information…(500 × 500 (435 bytes)) - 29 feb 2024 21:58
- DescriptionBSicon uemhvKRZ~L.svg English: Active elevated light rail parallel line (right side) crossing a disused mainline line Date 30 August 2015 Source…(500 × 500 (355 bytes)) - 22 okt 2023 02:50
- DescriptionBSicon uhvKRZ~L.svg English: Active light rail parallel line on the right, elevated over an active light rail crossing Date 29 August 2015…(500 × 500 (336 bytes)) - 22 okt 2023 06:40
- DescriptionBSicon ehvKRZ~L.svg English: Active mainline train parallel line on the right, elevated over a disused mainline train crossing Date 29 August…(500 × 500 (353 bytes)) - 31 dec 2024 03:37
- DescriptionBSicon exhvKRZ~L.svg English: Disused mainline train parallel line on the right, elevated over a disused mainline train crossing Date 29 August…(500 × 500 (337 bytes)) - 20 okt 2023 10:19
- DescriptionBSicon emhvKRZ~L.svg English: Active elevated mainline parallel line (right side) crossing a disused light rail line Date 30 August 2015 Source…(500 × 500 (354 bytes)) - 12 okt 2023 09:42
- DescriptionBSicon uehvKRZ~L.svg English: Active light rail parallel line on the right, elevated over a disused light rail crossing Date 29 August 2015…(500 × 500 (354 bytes)) - 22 okt 2023 02:43
- DescriptionBSicon xmhvKRZ~L.svg English: Disused elevated mainline parallel line (right side) crossing an active light rail line Date 30 August 2015 Source…(500 × 500 (354 bytes)) - 22 okt 2023 20:12
- DescriptionBSicon uexmhvKRZ~L.svg English: Disused elevated light rail parallel line (right side) crossing a disused mainline line Date 30 August 2015…(500 × 500 (356 bytes)) - 22 okt 2023 04:57
- DescriptionBSicon uxhvKRZ~L.svg English: Disused light rail parallel line on the right, elevated over an active light rail crossing Date 29 August 2015…(500 × 500 (354 bytes)) - 22 okt 2023 09:07
- DescriptionBSicon exmhvKRZ~L.svg English: Disused elevated mainline parallel line (right side) crossing a disused light rail line Date 30 August 2015…(500 × 500 (355 bytes)) - 20 okt 2023 12:28
- DescriptionBSicon umhvKRZ~L.svg English: Active elevated light rail parallel line (right side) crossing an active mainline line Date 30 August 2015 Source…(500 × 500 (354 bytes)) - 22 okt 2023 07:00
- DescriptionBSicon hvKRZ~L.svg English: Active mainline train parallel line on the right, elevated over an active mainline train crossing Date 29 August…(500 × 500 (335 bytes)) - 21 okt 2023 11:51
- DescriptionBSicon uxmhvKRZ~L.svg English: Disused elevated light rail parallel line (right side) crossing an active mainline line Date 30 August 2015…(500 × 500 (355 bytes)) - 28 okt 2024 01:37
- DescriptionBSicon xhvKRZ~L.svg English: Disused mainline train parallel line on the right, elevated over an active mainline train crossing Date 29 August…(500 × 500 (353 bytes)) - 6 nov 2024 15:36
- DescriptionBSicon uexhvKRZ~L.svg English: Disused light rail parallel line on the right, elevated over a disused light rail crossing Date 29 August 2015…(500 × 500 (338 bytes)) - 22 okt 2023 04:40
- DescriptionBSicon mhvKRZ~L.svg English: Active elevated mainline parallel line (right side) crossing an active light rail line Date 30 August 2015 Source…(500 × 500 (353 bytes)) - 21 okt 2023 14:35