English: Bust on display at the British Museum. "Perikles, citizen and soldier. Perikles (died 429 BC) was famous for his public speaking, which enabled him to rule Athens at the height of her empire. With a military helmet pushed back on the head, Perikles is the model of a citizen soldier. This idealised image presents him as 'fair of face and sound of heart' (kudos kau agates). Roman, 2nd century AD copy of a lost Greek original of around 440-430BC. From Hadrian's Villa, Tivoli; Townley collection. GR 1805.7-3.91 (Sculpture 549)" (from description at the British Museum)
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{{User:Mike Peel/License | desc = {{en|Bust on display at the British Museum. "Perikles, citizen and soldier. Perikles (died 429 BC) was famous for his public speaking, which enabled him to rule Athens at the height of her empire. With a military helm
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