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naamsvermelding – U moet op een gepaste manier aan naamsvermelding doen, een link naar de licentie geven, en aangeven of er wijzigingen in het werk zijn aangebracht. U mag dit op elke redelijke manier doen, maar niet zodanig dat de indruk wordt gewekt dat de licentiegever instemt met uw werk of uw gebruik van zijn werk.
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Legal disclaimer Someone has identified this image or film (or category of these items) as being captured within the boundaries of a Commonwealth reserve of Australia however they have not identified the specific Commonwealth reserve when using this template.
Australian law states in section 12.38 of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Regulations 2000 that images and film captured in a Commonwealth reserve cannot be used to derive commercial gain unless at least one of the exemptions listed in section 12.06 of the regulation is satisfied. Exemptions include capture and use of images and film as allowed by the management plan for the Commonwealth reserve, and requesting and being granted a permit. Section 18.04(b) of the regulation may exempt a permit fee from being payable if the activity contributes to the positive portrayal of the Commonwealth reserve and its values.
Before using this content, please ensure that you have the right to use it under the laws which apply in the circumstances of your intended use.
== Beschreibung == {{Information| |Description = Ubirr, Kakadu National Park, Australia |Source = Thomas Schoch at |Date = created 07. Aug. 2005 |Author = [[User:Mosmas|Thomas Scho