Doorverwijzing naar:
U plaatst een artikel over een onderwerp waar we hier reeds een artikel over hebben. Bovendien doet u alsof het iets anders is door de doorverwijzingespagina te veranderen. U stelt zaken te vertalen van elders maar waar uw tekst dan vandaan komt is ook niet helder aangegeven. Kortom - problemen. Formeel zou uw artikel een doorverwijzing gaan worden naar het al bestaande maar ik heb dat nog niet gedaan. Wel adviseer ik u om te kijken wat er al bestaat, daar zaken die missen/relevant zijn in te voegen en aan te geven of de vertaling rechtenvrij is. MoiraMoira overleg 30 jun 2014 16:26 (CEST)
- dit doen zonder enige bijdrage te leveren aan de samenvoegdiscussie is ongewenst.
MoiraMoira overleg 14 jul 2014 22:00 (CEST)
- I removed it seeing as the merge discussion had died out. There was on the other hand considerable resistance, both on the samenvoegdiscussie page and on Wikipedia:MED#Kroep. I did not realize that I would need to inform when removing the message when it is clear consensus is against a merge. CFCF (overleg) 15 jul 2014 10:46 (CEST)
Dear CFCF, the samenvoegen-template talks about "een duidelijker afbakeningn tussen beide artikelen", which is clearly nonsense in this context. Moreover, considering that you have promised collaboration and that I have fiercely defended your project, it was very untactical to revert me. Josq (overleg) 17 jul 2014 09:11 (CEST)
- Josq I'm sorry if you perceived the revert as problematic, but I did it because I found it to be in the best interest of the project as a whole, and I could not justify the removal according to policy. I have removed the template, but if there really is nothing to expand upon I suggest we try to fill Wikipedia:Etalage/Wat is een etalageartikel and go for a Wikipedia:Review. The content of the translated article most definitely fills those criteria (if smaller errors in formatting and language issues are fixed). If there is nothing to add from the translation, then this article must also be sufficient. CFCF (overleg) 17 jul 2014 13:41 (CEST)
- Additionally several other sandbox articles are under the page at Wikipedia:Samenvoegen
- Dear CFCF, these actions/comments also seem to neglect my comments here. Better take that as a starting point for a discussion. Josq (overleg) 17 jul 2014 14:52 (CEST)
- I'm sorry, I had missed that comment, and I have hopefully found someone who can help with that particular article. At the same time I see this as a perfect application of WP:samenvoegen, as there is overlap, and someone will need to look at the articles and decide which version is the best. I think there is content worth keeping in both articles, and if you look at the translation you will see that the sources are very high quality, and if nothing else would do well to complement any previous sources. CFCF (overleg) 17 jul 2014 23:18 (CEST)
Message on newiki
Hi CFCF, i just recieved a message from you on newiki, it is obviously a mass send message as you wrote I'm one of the most helpfull medical editors. Let me tell you this: I've never been active on newiki as I don't even speak that language. Also in case you hadn't noticed: I'm against the project, as are many others on nlwiki. Dqfn13 (overleg) 28 jan 2015 22:34 (CET)
- Gebruiker:Dqfn13 Hi Dqfn13, the list was constructed by looking at how many edits you have done on medical articles. To me it seems very odd you would recieve the message on a Wiki you are not active on, and I hope it did not cause to much inconvenience. In the message I stated that for larger Wikipedias we now only translate as per request. That means if you wish for a translation to be made into Dutch you are free to request one. If there is opposition we will simply be seeing far fewer requests. I hope you do not feel we are in any way intruding on nl-wikis content when we try to offer ours in a translated and hopefully accessible form. If you do not wish to take part this is fully acceptable, but I hope you will reconsider being against the project. CFCF (overleg) 28 jan 2015 22:55 (CET)
- I am against the project because you translate the article's from larger Wikipedias and don't take in any cultural aspects from the smaller Wikipedias. For example the way diabetes is treated in the Netherlands and in Belgium is different, even though those countries share culture, language and history. While you translate and copy + paste the translated text you'll erase local information. But that's been discussed already and has been mentioned also.
- I won't ask for a translation, as there are severall physicians active on this wiki. They know the local culture and such. They will also take in current information, instead of removing that. Dqfn13 (overleg) 28 jan 2015 23:07 (CET)
- Medicine is very similar on a world-wide basis. Differnces are seldom inherently cultural, but rather related to decisions on certain medicines or procedures by large national governing bodies. Our articles aim to bring a world wide view to the topic, but this is not always possible. I'm sad you still see our project in this light, but it is not the case that we delete older content in favour of our own, unless it is demonstrably false. Our main focus has become to bring content where it does not exist. Few Wikipedias have the capacity that the Dutch Wikipedia does, but this does not make us value the Dutch Wikipedia less. Instead we only hope that editors from nl-wiki will choose our help, because they feel we can provide quality content. If this is not the case then there is little we can do about it, but I hope you do not object when we translate into Somali. Also note, the message was not sent on nl-wiki. CFCF (overleg) 28 jan 2015 23:29 (CET)
- You won't hear me objecting in case of smaller languages and in case articles where asked for. I only object in case you copy paste (what has happend on this wiki) and by that you delete older (correct) info and sources. Translating and by that adding NEW artiles is always welcome. I did notice it was on newiki. I contacted you here because I'm not able to read Nepalese... so I was afraid to use the wrong buttons
. I hope you don't mind. I do wish you the best with the project, though. Because we both have the same goal: spread information and help people while doing so. Dqfn13 (overleg) 28 jan 2015 23:48 (CET)
- You won't hear me objecting in case of smaller languages and in case articles where asked for. I only object in case you copy paste (what has happend on this wiki) and by that you delete older (correct) info and sources. Translating and by that adding NEW artiles is always welcome. I did notice it was on newiki. I contacted you here because I'm not able to read Nepalese... so I was afraid to use the wrong buttons
- Medicine is very similar on a world-wide basis. Differnces are seldom inherently cultural, but rather related to decisions on certain medicines or procedures by large national governing bodies. Our articles aim to bring a world wide view to the topic, but this is not always possible. I'm sad you still see our project in this light, but it is not the case that we delete older content in favour of our own, unless it is demonstrably false. Our main focus has become to bring content where it does not exist. Few Wikipedias have the capacity that the Dutch Wikipedia does, but this does not make us value the Dutch Wikipedia less. Instead we only hope that editors from nl-wiki will choose our help, because they feel we can provide quality content. If this is not the case then there is little we can do about it, but I hope you do not object when we translate into Somali. Also note, the message was not sent on nl-wiki. CFCF (overleg) 28 jan 2015 23:29 (CET)
Did you know about"Wiki Project Med"? I thought it might interest you. Doctodoc (overleg) 19 dec 2015 00:38 (CET)
Invitation to Rejoin the Healthcare Translation Task Force

You have been a medical translators within Wikipedia. We have recently relaunched our efforts and invite you to join the new process. Let me know if you have questions. Best Doc James (talk · contribs · email) 12:34, 13 August 2023 (UTC)